Angela Gheorghiuアンジェラ・ゲオルギュー
Romanian Songs / ルーマニアの歌(ハイレゾ有)

Romanian Songs / ルーマニアの歌(ハイレゾ有)
2021.03.26 配信/190295023003
世界発発売音源。名ソプラノ、ゲオルギューが故郷ルーマニアの歌をロイヤル・フィルハーモニーOと4曲を共演。2008年収録 デジタル配信のみの発売。
Who Knew (Sanie cu zurgalai)
Brazen (Weep) (Barca pe valuri) from “Valurile Dunarii “
The One That Got Away (Ionel Ionelule)
This Is Your Life (Mai spune-mi ca nu m-ai uitat)
Angela Gheorghiu
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Gavin Greenaway
Brazen (Weep) (Barca pe valuri) from “Valurile Dunarii “
The One That Got Away (Ionel Ionelule)
This Is Your Life (Mai spune-mi ca nu m-ai uitat)
Angela Gheorghiu
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Gavin Greenaway