



Hi みんな!



君たちは僕たちの全てだよ。本当に。僕たちは素晴らしいファンのみんなに対して、みんなが受けるべき敬意をもって接していきたい。僕たちにとってそれは準備万端になったタイミングで音楽をつくることで、僕たちの100パーセントに満たないものを決して皆さんへ届けないことなんだ。『サム・ナイツ ~蒼い夜~』は大成功を収めたアルバムで、スタジオに飛び帰ってその勢いに乗っかるのはとても容易いことだった。でも、良いビジネスになるからって理由でレコードを作ったりツアーを周ることは、僕たちにとって何の意味も持たないんだよ。僕たちは強い意志に導かれてレコードを作るしツアーをする。だからこそ、ファンのみんなとこれだけ素晴らしい関係を築き上げてこれたんだ。これが、僕たちの音楽をサポートしてくれる人たちに対して、僕たちが最も正直でいられる方法なんだ。





hi guys!

A lot of you have been asking us for an update on when to expect new music from fun. As you know, we like to give you guys news and updates when they are ready, but there has been a lot of recent chatter and we hear you and wanted to speak to you directly to explain a few here goes-

first and foremost to answer the question that has been raised most often: fun is not breaking up.

fun was founded by the 3 of us at a time when we were coming out of our own bands. one thing that has always been so special about fun is that we exist as 3 individuals in music who come together to do something collaborative. we make fun records when we are super inspired to do so. currently nate is working on his first solo album, andrew is scoring films and jack is on tour and working on bleachers music. the 3 of us have always followed inspiration wherever it leads us. sometimes that inspiration leads to fun music, sometimes it leads to musical endeavors outside of fun. we see all of it as part of the ecosystem that makes fun, fun.

you guys are EVERYTHING to us. honestly. We want to treat YOU GUYS(our amazing fan base)with the respect you deserve; and that is by making music when we are fully ready to make it and never giving you guys anything that is less than 100%. “Some Nights” was a successful album and it would have been very easy for us to jump back in the studio and capitalize on our momentum. but making records and touring when its “good for business” means nothing to us. we make records and tour when we are inspired to do so. that is the very reason why we have built such a special connection with all of you. that is how we can be the most honest to the people who support our music.

It’s also important for you guys to know that the 3 of us are very involved and supportive of all these different projects going on within the fun family at the moment. that fact that our tiny club can produce so many different kinds of music together and as individuals is very special to us.

as always, we’ll keep you guys updated!

all our love

nate, jack and andrew