Ichiban EP / 一番 - EP

ハルク・ホーガン / Hulk Hogan
Ichiban EP / 一番 - EP
2023.03.29 配信/5054197610097
オリジナルリリース日 : 1983/3/26
世界最大のプロレス団体WWEで1980年代から2000年代にかけて、全米で「ハルカマニア」と呼ばれる熱狂的なファンを生み出し、社会現象と呼べるほどの国民的人気を獲得した伝説のプロレスラー、超人ハルク・ホーガン。そのハルク・ホーガンがアントニオ猪木をIWGP決勝戦で舌出し失神KOし、日本中を震撼させた新日本プロレス(NEW JAPAN PRO WRESTLING)参戦時代の1983年に、自らのキャッチ・フレーズである「一番 (ICHIBAN)」というタイトルでリリースしたレア・レコード。
当時、ホーガンは「一番」の黒のショートパンツで入場し、右手人差し指を高々と上げ「イチバァーン!」と叫ぶ決めポーズが日米で話題になり、名実共に"ICHIBAN" はNo.1を意味する語としてアメリカでも有名な日本語の1つとなっていた。
これらの作品はCDでも未発売の企画モノだが、ベース演奏にはホーガン本人もクレジットされ、Co-Producerとギターには日本のロックギタリストを代表するCharが、そのほかバックはCharのバンド、PINK CLOUDの面々が参加していることで、コレクターズ・アイテムとなっている音源が世界初配信!
Incredible Hulk, a legendary professional wrestler from the United States, Hulk Hogan was one of the most influential figures in the WWE during 1980s to 2000s, the world's largest professional wrestling organization in the States. His flamboyant style of the match and personality turned many people into frenzy fans called 'Hulkamania'.
He joined New Japan Pro Wrestling match during 1980s and 1983 was such a significant year for him. He competed in the IWGP finals that year and won by knocking out Antonio Inoki, who passed out with his tongue out of his mouth. During this period, he released a record "Ichiban", named after his slogan.
At that time, he often competed in match wearing his signature black short with "Ichiban" printed on and him striking a pose shouting "Ichibaaan!" with his right index finger pointed up in the air was one of the most exciting moments when he showed up the venue. And "Ichiban" meaning "No.1" became one of the most famous Japanese words in the U.S.
On the album, Hogan himself is credited as a bass player and Char, one of Japan's leading rock guitarists, is the co-producer and plays guitar. Also, his band, PINK CLOUD joined as a backup band. This album has never been released on CD but this rare piece will be available digitally for the first time.
- 一番
- ナイト・ホーム
- ユーヴ・ガット・トゥ・リーヴ
- アックスボンバー
世界最大のプロレス団体WWEで1980年代から2000年代にかけて、全米で「ハルカマニア」と呼ばれる熱狂的なファンを生み出し、社会現象と呼べるほどの国民的人気を獲得した伝説のプロレスラー、超人ハルク・ホーガン。そのハルク・ホーガンがアントニオ猪木をIWGP決勝戦で舌出し失神KOし、日本中を震撼させた新日本プロレス(NEW JAPAN PRO WRESTLING)参戦時代の1983年に、自らのキャッチ・フレーズである「一番 (ICHIBAN)」というタイトルでリリースしたレア・レコード。
当時、ホーガンは「一番」の黒のショートパンツで入場し、右手人差し指を高々と上げ「イチバァーン!」と叫ぶ決めポーズが日米で話題になり、名実共に"ICHIBAN" はNo.1を意味する語としてアメリカでも有名な日本語の1つとなっていた。
これらの作品はCDでも未発売の企画モノだが、ベース演奏にはホーガン本人もクレジットされ、Co-Producerとギターには日本のロックギタリストを代表するCharが、そのほかバックはCharのバンド、PINK CLOUDの面々が参加していることで、コレクターズ・アイテムとなっている音源が世界初配信!
Incredible Hulk, a legendary professional wrestler from the United States, Hulk Hogan was one of the most influential figures in the WWE during 1980s to 2000s, the world's largest professional wrestling organization in the States. His flamboyant style of the match and personality turned many people into frenzy fans called 'Hulkamania'.
He joined New Japan Pro Wrestling match during 1980s and 1983 was such a significant year for him. He competed in the IWGP finals that year and won by knocking out Antonio Inoki, who passed out with his tongue out of his mouth. During this period, he released a record "Ichiban", named after his slogan.
At that time, he often competed in match wearing his signature black short with "Ichiban" printed on and him striking a pose shouting "Ichibaaan!" with his right index finger pointed up in the air was one of the most exciting moments when he showed up the venue. And "Ichiban" meaning "No.1" became one of the most famous Japanese words in the U.S.
On the album, Hogan himself is credited as a bass player and Char, one of Japan's leading rock guitarists, is the co-producer and plays guitar. Also, his band, PINK CLOUD joined as a backup band. This album has never been released on CD but this rare piece will be available digitally for the first time.